May 2020 – Hygiene articles for cooperatives and market people

As in South Africa and Namibia, for example, a lockdown has also been imposed for Zambia. The borders with neighboring countries are closed to travel. Zambesi Health has therefore decided to contribute 20,000 kwacha through our Zambian NGO to support the local hygiene measures. At the beginning of May, liquid soap, buckets with taps for washing hands under running water and community masks were distributed to the market people and members of the cooperative. Cleaning agents for toilets and for mopping floors will follow.

The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases is currently (11.05.) given by the WHO as 267. The number of people actually infected is likely to be many times higher due to the limited scope of testing. It must be expected that the infection will spread nationwide. It remains to be seen how effective the prevention measures will be. Distancing rules and not shaking hands can be implemented in Germany. Implementing such rules in Zambia is likely to be much more difficult.

At a glance, we are left with the role of observer. We can only provide support from afar and recommend that you, our readers who have remained healthy, take part.

The two new Buffalo Bikes have finally been delivered so that our Hygiene Officer can visit the dairy farmers more often again. It is important to ensure that new milkers are trained on a regular basis.

For the first time, Mr. Hamankolo reports an invasion of locusts. Due to the heavy rainfall in February, large wetlands had formed, a preferred habitat for the Red Locusts.